Individual Indian Money (IIM) Correspondence, 1900–1954


Individual Indian Money (IIM) Correspondence, 1900–1954


This series consists of fiscal correspondence related to individual Indian money (IIM) accounts. The records provide information on loans, transfers, and expenditure requests, as well as debits and credits made to Taholah Indian Agency IIM accounts. The records include letters received and copies of letters sent, receipts and general purchase orders. The correspondents may include the agency superintendent, IIM account holders, and local merchants. The majority of the fiscal correspondence was created under the Taholah Indian Agency. Correspondence created prior to 1914 by the Puyallup Indian Agency and the Cushman Indian School related to specific tribes was transferred to the Taholah Indian Agency when it was established and jurisdiction of the tribes were transferred to Taholah. The Taholah Indian Agency became part of the new Western Washington Indian Agency in 1950.

27 linear feet, 6 linear inches

eng, Latn


SNAC Resource ID: 11669260

National Archives at Seattle

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